

Policy Instruments

Parking Standards
SummaryTaxonomy and descriptionFirst principles assesmentEvidence on performancePolicy contributionComplementary instrumentsReferences

Complementary instruments

Types of instrument

Overcoming financial barriers

Overcoming political barriers

Compensating losers

Reinforcing benefits



Equal PNR parking standards across neighbouring regions – this is possibly the most important complementary measure!



Attitudinal and behavioural




Individualised marketing and company travel plans to help ease modal shift.

Infrastructure measures


Provision of infrastructure that facilitates use of alternatives to the car, and/or park and ride.

Provision of infrastructure that facilitates use of alternatives to the car, and/or park and ride to ensure that those with limited access to alternatives gain access. Parking controls are also needed around the edge of areas with restricted PNR parking.

Provision of infrastructure that facilitates use of alternatives to the car, and/or park and ride to ease modal shift.

Management of the infrastructure


Allocation of road space away from car users to users of alternative modes and provision of more and better public transport services.

Provision of more and better public transport services to ensure those previously without access gain access.

Allocation of road space away from car users to users of alternative modes and provision of more and better public transport services, to ease modal shift.

Information provision




Public transport, and park and ride service information.





Parking charges for public spaces to discourage use of these on a first come first served basis where PNR parking does not meet demand. Urban road charging to further discourage car use.

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Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT