

Policy Instruments

Light rail
SummaryTaxonomy and descriptionFirst principles assesmentEvidence on performancePolicy contributionComplementary instrumentsReferences

A first principles assessment
The effects on supply and demand
Anticipated impacts on policy objectives
Anticipated impacts on problems
Expected winners and losers
Barriers to implementation

Sheffield Supertram pictures

The effects on supply and demand

A new light rail scheme will have both direct impacts as a new mode, and indirect impacts as an alternative to existing modes. The table below shows the likely short-term impacts.

Demand Responses

Responses and situations (impact on vehicle trips/mileage)
Response Reduction in road traffic Expected in situations
Change departure time
Transfer to light rail from other mode may involve change in departure time
Change route
Infrastructure may reduce capacity for other vehicles causing diversion on to other roads. Alternatively transfer to light rail may free up road capacity again leading to changes in route.
Change destination
As a result of transfer to light rail.
Reduce number of trips
Improved public transport supply may lead to more trips overall. Possible reduced road space for other vehicles due to light rail infrastructure may reduce car trips.
Change mode
Possible transfer from car to light rail.
Sell the car
Improved public transport supply may encourage reduced car-ownership
Move house
A possibility - especially if in rented accommodation.
1= Weakest possible response,5= strongest possible positive response
-1= Weakest possible negative response,-5= strongest possible negative response
0= No response

Short and long run demand responses

The table below indicates the potential magnitude of expected responses in the short and long-term.

Short and Long Run Demand responses
1st year
2-4 years
5-10 years
10+ years
Change departure time
1 2 2 2
Change route
3 3 3 3
Change destination Change job location 1 2 2 2
Shop elsewhere 2 2 2 2
Reduce number of trips
? ? ? ?
Change mode to light rail 1 2 3 3
Sell the car
0 1 2 2
Move house
0 1 2 2
1= Weakest possible response,5= strongest possible positive response
-1= Weakest possible negative response,-5= strongest possible negative response
0= No response


The cost of light rail

Light rail is not cheap. Babalik (2000) has collected data on a number of systems around the World. The table ‘cost of light rail systems (and metros)’ shows data for 23 light rail systems, plus four metros for comparison.

The cost of light rail systems (and metros) (in 1998 prices)
Country City Route length (Km) Capital cost (£millions) Annual operating costs 1998 (£millions) Fare Revenue 1997 (£millions) Notes
Canada Calgary 29


6 n/a One of the highest capital costs for a non-automatic systems
- Edmonton 14 362 n/a n/a -
- Scarborough 7 184 n/a n/a Automatic system
- Vancouver 29 843 22 8 One of the highest capital costs – being automatic adds to capital cost (extra technology and complete segregation)
France Grenoble 18 247 n/a n/a -
- Nantes 26 271 n/a n/a -
- Paris 9 67 n/a n/a -
- Rouen 15 256 24 9 -
- Strasbourg 11 207 n/a n/a -
Switzerland Lausanne 8 7 n/a n/a The lowest capital cost system (8km)
UK London Docklands 28 775 n/a 12 One of the highest capital costs – being automatic adds to capital cost (extra technology and complete segregation)
- Manchester 31 176 9 13 -
- Sheffield 29 271 9 5 -
- Tyne and Wear 59 533 27 21 -
USA Baltimore 49 503 15 4 -
- Dallas 32 353 18 n/a -
- Denver 9 141 5 n/a Lowest operating costs
- Los Angeles 57 717 34 3 One of the highest capital costs for a non-automatic systems; highest operating costs
- Portland 24 309 15 3 -
- Sacramento 30 165 10 4 -
- San Diego 80 609 17 10 One of the highest capital costs for a non-automatic systems; longest light rail system but not highest operating costs
  San Jose 32 527 17 3 -
- St. Louis 29 260 13 5 -
USA Atlanta 62 3679 63 20 -
Metros Baltimore 25 1136 22 6 Noticeably higher capital costs than light rail
- Los Angeles 18 1278 21 1 Noticeably higher capital costs than light rail
- Miami 33 1058 32 9 Noticeably higher capital costs than light rail
- Washington DC 144 7372 190 n/a Noticeably higher capital costs than light rail and operating costs (a much longer system)

Source: Babalik (2000)
Note: N/A indicates that data were not available.
Capital costs represent the value of the investment in the year 1998.

All costs and revenues are in UK Sterling at 1998 prices with currency conversions made using the purchasing power parity index provided by OECD (obtainable from

The figure below shows that in the US average operating costs per passenger mile tend to be higher for light rail than heavy-rail and commuter rail but lower than the equivalent figure for bus. It is likely that if the analysis were performed on a per trip basis light rail would perform less favourably when compared to bus but more favourably in comparison with other rail systems.

Average operating cost by mode and city category in the US (APTA, 2002)

The cost of a system is influenced by many factors including its size. It is also useful to consider costs in terms of patronage, and to compare operating costs and revenue to see how close to profitability the system is. The table below shows the capital cost per kilometre of route, the annualised capital cost per passenger, the operating cost per passenger, the fare revenue per passenger, and the farebox recovery ratio, which is the ratio of revenue to operating costs. For comparison, the five metros are also included.

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Cost and revenue indicators for light rail (and metro) systems
City Capital cost/km (£million) Annualised capital cost/passenger £ Operating cost/passenger Fare revenue/passenger Farebox recovery ratio (%) Notes
Calgary 22 1.27 0.14 n/a n/a Lowest operating cost per passenger
Edmonton 26 2.92 n/a n/a n/a Relatively high capital costs per km, but was the first modern system
Scarborough 28 4034 n/a n/a n/a One of the most expensive capital costs per km – an automatic system
Vancouver 29 1.67 0.53 0.19 38 One of the most expensive capital costs per km – an automatic system
Grenoble 13 0.90 n/a n/a n/a Over 20 million passengers per year
Nantes 10 0.86 n/a n/a n/a Over 20 million passengers per year
Paris 7 0.32 n/a n/a n/a -
Rouen 17 1.50 1.73 0.64 37 -
Strasbourg 18 0.96 n/a n/a n/a -
Lausanne 9 0.80 n/a n/a n/a -
London Docklands 28 3.04 n/a 0.72 n/a One of the most expensive capital costs per km – an automatic system
Manchester 6 1.05 0.69 0.99 143 Over 20 million passengers per year
Sheffield 9 2.42 1.15 0.60 52 -
Tyne and Wear 9 1025 0.76 0.58 77 About 35 million passengers per year
Baltimore 10 5.87 2.14 0.53 28 High operating cost per passenger – reflection of low patronage, 7 million passengers per year
Dallas 11 2.65 1.66 n/a n/a -
Denver 17 2.42 1.09 n/a n/a -
Los Angeles 13 2.45 1.41 0.15 7 Over 20 million passengers per year
Portland 13 2.15 1.23 0.25 20 -
Sacramento 6 1.68 1.20 0.49 40 -
San Diego 8 2.18 0.76 0.55 68 Over 20 million passengers per year
San Jose 16 6.27 2.49 0.48 20 Highest operating cost per passenger – reflection of low patronage, 7 million passengers per year
St. Louis 9 1.47 0.87 0.37 46 -
Atlanta Metro 59 3.89 0.82 0.23 32 Notably higher capital costs per km
Baltimore Metro 46 7.28 1.73 0.51 31 Notably higher capital costs per km
Los Angeles Metro 71 8.57 1.72 0.06 4 Notably higher capital costs per km
Miami Metro 32 6.46 2.40 0.67 29 Notably higher capital costs per km
Washington DC Metro 51 2.85 1.13 n/a n/a Notably higher capital costs per km

Source: Babalik (2000).

Note: N/A indicates that data were not available.
All costs are in UK Sterling at 1998 prices.
The capital cost has been annualised by discounting the capital cost in the year 1998 over 30 years at 8%. This has been done for all systems to allow comparisons. It is not necessarily how it was originally done for economic evaluation of the scheme.

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Supply impacts

Light rail systems are likely to have the effect of reallocating road space from general traffic to light rail. The system may reduce the vehicle carrying capacity of a road that is certain to increase the person carrying capacity. Where modal shift occurs from car, road capacity may be freed up, encouraging people who were deterred by congestion to drive (Mogridge, 1997).

Light rail transit often represents a significant improvement in quality of service from that which can be provided by bus - particularly if there are insufficient bus priority measures. Ride quality, capacity, speed, access for disabled, and reliability are all likely to be improved.

Impact on the supply of other public transport may depend on the level of regulation. In a regulated bus market bus services are likely to be rearranged to complement the light rail system with feeder services. In a deregulated market, in the short term at least, there is likely to be significant competition from bus operators on the same corridor.

If the system is not carefully designed the rails can represent a significant danger to cyclists (McLintock, 2003) e.g. Sheffield Supertram

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Anticipated impacts on policy objectives

Objective Scale of contribution Comment

By reducing overall disutility of travel for those travelling by LRT. If there are significant transfers from car then reduced congestion will improve transport efficiency. On the other hand, reduced road space dedicated to private car may increase congestion in the short run at least.

Liveable streets

Any transfers from car will reduce the adverse impacts of traffic allowing development of more attractive urban areas. In residential areas, the light rail layout often leads to pieces of land left unused. These can be turned into linear parks or play areas (e.g. Sheffield). Overall, a new light rail system is likely to make cities more pleasant to live in, partly because of the opportunity for complementary development that it offers.

Protection of the environment

By reducing air and noise pollution and pressures on green space and environmentally sensitive sites. Light rail systems are invariably electrically powered avoiding all omissions locally but probably requiring fossil fuel consumption for the production of that electricity. In the longer term, environmental benefits are likely to be greater if the scheme reduces road capacity for private vehicles.

Equity and social inclusion

A light rail system does offer a high-quality alternative to the car although not necessarily in areas where the socially excluded live. Modern light rail offers level boarding which is helpful for the mobility-impaired - especially those in wheelchairs.


Light rail is safe compared with car and even bus, both because the technology is intrinsically safe and because operating regimes tend to place heavy emphasis on safety. If there is a net transfer from car to light rail with little induced road traffic, then it should lead to an increase in safety.

With on-street running systems the main danger is likely to be a lot of cyclists slipping on or getting stuck in the tracks. Careful design can mitigate these risks.

Economic growth

By offering a stimulus to economic development; by enhancing the economic potential of existing economic centres and possibly encouraging investment through improved image of an area. On the other hand, the major investment required and the implied increase in taxation may stifle economic growth. It is sometimes argued that light rail (and other major transport investments) redistribute economic growth but do not lead to a net increase in growth. The same may be true or increases in property prices.

On the other hand, it could be argued that light rail can encourage centralised high-density development which is more sustainable economically and environmentally than out-of-town developments that can only be accessed efficiently by private car.


High capital costs with the majority of systems not even covering operating costs with fares, and none covering capital costs.

1= Weakest possible positive contribution,5= strongest possible positive contribution
-1= Weakest possible negative contribution-5= strongest possible negative contribution
0= No contribution

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Anticipated impacts on problems

Problem Scale of contribution Comment
Congestion-related delay 3 Reduce delay due to transfer from car. In the shorter-term disruption associated with construction may increase traffic congestion, whilst reduced road space once the system is operational may increase congestion on certain corridors.
Congestion-related unreliability 3/-1 See explanation above.
Community severance 2 A segregated system could actually sever a community but careful design can avoid this. The most likely impact is a positive one due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car on certain corridors.
Visual intrusion 1 Due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car, although associated infrastructure may cause some slight visual intrusion.
Lack of amenity 2 Due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car.
Global warming 2 Due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car.
Local air pollution 2 Due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car.
Noise 2 Due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car.
Reduction of green space 1 Reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car may reduce pressure for further road construction.
Damage to environmentally sensitive sites 1 Due to reduced road traffic levels associated with transfer from car
Poor accessibility for those without a car and those with mobility impairments 2 A high-quality alternative to the car although not necessarily in areas where the socially excluded live. Modern light rail offers level boarding which is helpful for the mobility-impaired - especially those in wheelchairs.
Disproportionate disadvantaging of particular social or geographic groups 2/-1 Tends to serve high volume corridors that are likely to already be well served by public transport.
Number, severity and risk of accidents 3 Providing the system is designed in a manner that considers cyclists’ safety.
Suppression of the potential for economic activity in the area 3 By offering a stimulus to economic development; by enhancing the economic potential of existing economic centres and possibly encouraging investment through improved image of an area.
1= Weakest possible positive contribution,5= strongest possible positive contribution
-1= Weakest possible negative contribution-5= strongest possible negative contribution
0= No contribution

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Expected winners and losers

We would not necessarily expect everyone to directly benefit from the introduction of a light rail system. The table below highlights the main groups of people who could be expected to be direct beneficiaries, as well as those who could be expected, in the first instance at least, to lose out. It should be remembered, however, that this only relates to the direct, immediate impacts; mitigating measures could be put in place to help those who lose out. It should also be noted that impacts are focused on the routes served by the light rail system, and that long term impacts as a result of potential changes in surrounding land use and consequently that further a field could be different.

Expected winners and losers

Winners / losers
Large scale freight and commercial traffic
High value journeys – because less car traffic, therefore less time spent in congestion the greater the vehicle utilization – relatively small proportion of journey distance in urban conditions.
Small businesses
In areas served by light rail.
High income car-users
New alternative mode, fewer cars on the road.
People with a low income
They will benefit if they live in an area served by light rail, but if this is not the case and there is less funding for other alternatives to the car, they are likely to disbenefit.
People with poor access to public transport
They will benefit if they live in an area served by light rail, but if this is not the case and there is less funding for other alternatives to the car, they are likely to disbenefit.
All existing public transport users
New public transport alternative – mainly benefits those living near route.
People living adjacent to the area targeted
They may benefit from reduced congestion and improved or increased public transport supply.
People making high value, important journeys
A new efficient alternative is available.
The average car user
Where they are able to travel more efficiently, saving time and money.
1= Weakest possible positive contribution,5= strongest possible positive contribution
-1= Weakest possible negative contribution-5= strongest possible negative contribution
0= No contribution

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Barriers to implementation

As the decision to implement a light rail system can be largely political, there may well be problems associated with this, not least justifying the substantial expenditure. However, further, factors will be the way in which the policy is presented to the public, the public acceptability of the policy and whether the necessary legal powers are in place. The scale of barriers is indicated in the table below.

Barriers to Implementation

Barrier Scale Comment
Legal -2 The extent of legal barriers varies greatly according to the legislative framework. Integration of a light rail system with local bus in particular but also rail networks is important to its success. In the UK outside of London it is at the time of writing (July 2006) very difficult to force cooperation from local operators. In countries where local transport is government-controlled (as is the case in much of continental Europe) this is much less of an issue.
Finance -4 Even if a business case can be demonstrated, the size of the sums involved for construction means that in many countries implementation plans are dictated by the finances of regional and/or national government.
Political -3 The political situation often relates to the question of financing. However, there are also local issues associated with construction itself such as the forced purchase of land and the removal of parking and delivery access for business premises.
Feasibility -3 Technical feasibility varies greatly according to physical and human geography of the area. Most technical difficulties are not insurmountable in themselves but may push costs to an unacceptable level.
1= Weakest possible positive contribution,5= strongest possible positive contribution
-1= Weakest possible negative contribution-5= strongest possible negative contribution
0= No contribution


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Text edited at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT