The SMARTEST Project Deliverables / Reports

You can download copies of all the publically available SMARTEST project deliverables (that is Euro-speak for project reports) from here. Versions in Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and WWW formats are usually available.

D1Inception Report and QA StandardsC
D2Project Evaluation and Transferability PlanC
D3Review of Micro-Simulation ModelsP
D4Update SpecificationsP
D5Mid-Project ReportR
D6Simulation ReportP
D7Project Dissemination and Exploitation PlanC
D8Best Practice ManualP
D9Micro-Simulation WorkshopP
D10World Wide Web PagesP
D11Final Report to DGVIIR
Availability Key: C - Confidential, P - Public, R - Restricted.

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